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News from COLOURS
- COLOURS | CoLabs "Body Image, Physical Activity and Mental Health"
- COLOURS | Centro Linguistico di Ateneo Celebrates the European Day of Languages
- COLOURS | The Imagine Innovation Workshop
- COLOURS | Exciting PhD Opportunities at UCLM in the FITNESS Doctoral Network
- COLOURS | Opportunity for UNIFE Students: Shape Europe's Future with the COLOURS Alliance
- COLOURS | Virtual Journey Week: A Hybrid Cultural Adventure
- COLOURS | University of Ferrara Hosts Successful Innovation Day Addressing Blue Crab Proliferation
- COLOURS | Report on the Educational Workshop on Giftedness and EDI Policie
- COLOURS | COLOURS Alliance Meeting in Tragacete: A Collaborative Effort for Innovation and Development
- COLOURS | Summer School on Socio-Environmental Vulnerabilities and Sustainable Transitions
- COLOURS | Double Degree opportunities in Germany, France and Sweden
- COLOURS | COLOURS Alliance Engages Visitors at Unife Orienta
- COLOURS: Pioneering Open and Challenge-Based Education for Future Leaders
- Piergiorgio Mazzotti Selected for European Student Assembly
COLOURS' events
- COLOURS | The first COLOURS conference with innovation online workshops
- COLOURS Alliance | Celebrate the European Day of Languages with Centro Linguistico di Ateneo and Bloom Hub
- COLOURS | Join the COLOURS International Student Innovation Lab: Blue Crab Challenge
- Explore Nine Countries from Your Desk – Join the COLOURS Virtual Journey Week!
- COLOURS | Giftedness in EDI - Workshop on Giftedness and Inclusive Policies at Unife
- COLOURS | Discover Entrepreneurship with Doctinnov'
- COLOURS | Ventspils Combat Robotics Hackathon
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News from COLOURS
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International projects
International projects since 2014
- 3D-4CH - Online competence centre in 3D for Cultural Heritage
- ECHO - Efficient Compact Modular Thermal Energy Storage System
- MASCOT - Modular multilevel cost Analysis Software for COmposite smarT fuselage
- IDEAS - Novel building Integration Designs for increased Efficiencies in Advanced Climatically Tunable Renewable Energy Systems
- HeLLo - Heritage energy Living Lab onsite
- HEROTILE - High Energy savings in building cooling by ROof TILEs shape optimization toward a better above sheathing ventilation
- INCEPTION - Inclusive Cultural Heritage in Europe through 3D semantic modelling
- RELY - Renewable energy and landscape quality
Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Agricultural Chemistry
- AIDA4Edge - Twinning for Excellence in Adaptive Edge AI
- HICCUPS - Highly-Innovative technology demonstration for bio-based CO2 Capture and Utilization for production of bulk Plastic applicationS
- NOVASOIL - Innovative business models for soil health
- SOREC2 - SOlar Energy to power CO2 REduction towards C2 chemicals for energy storage
- SmartDairy - Climate-smart Dairy: Assessing Challenges, Innovations, and Solutions
- CONSOLE - CONtract SOLutions for Effective and lasting delivery of agri-environmental-climate public goods by EU agriculture and forestry
- LIFE-TRANSFER - Seagrass transplantation for transitional Ecosystem Recovery
- Electro-Intrusion - Simultaneous transformation of ambient heat and undesired vibrations into electricity via nanotriboelectrification during non-wetting liquid intrusion-extrusion into-from nanopores
- CONDOR - COmbined suN-Driven Oxidation and CO2 Reduction for renewable energy storage
- GrapheneCore3 - Graphene Flagship Core Project 3
- VITAL - Vaccines and Infectious Diseases in the Ageing PopuLation
- Aniridia - Aniridia: networking to address an unmet medical, scientific, and societal challenge
- SmartAgriHubs- Connecting the dots to unleash the innovation potential for digital transformation of the European agrifood
- ARCADIA -Advanced devices for the Reduction of CArbon DIoxideand Artificial photosynthesis
Economics and Management
- SOSFood - Sustainability Optimization for Secure Food Systems
- MERGE - Measuring what matters: Improving usability and accessibility of policy frameworks and indicators for multidimensional well-being through collaboration
- FUTURESILIENCE - Creating FUTUre societal RESILIENCE through innovative, science-based co-creation labs
- SUSTRACK - Supporting the identification of policy priorities and recommendations for designing a sustainable track towards circular bio-based systems
- ETC-EC - European Topic Centre on Circular Economy and Resource Use 2022-2026
- IRsmart - Improving expertise in the field of industrial relations Industrial Relations for Smart-Workers in Smart Cities
- ETC/WMGE 2019-2021- Waste and Materials in a Green Economy
- - European Global Transition Network on Eco-Innovation, Green Economy and Sustainable Development
- ETC/WMGE - Waste and Materials in a Green Economy
- STRENGHT - STRategies for assessing climate change and natural hazards' impact on urban ecosystems, increasing resilience to ENvironmental hazards, and promoting territorial GrowTH
- DECEL - Digital Electronics Collaborative Enhanced Learning
- SERPIC - Sustainable Electrochemical Reduction of contaminants of emerging concern and Pathogens in WWTP effluent for Irrigation of Crops
- nCOA - Non-Collaborative Object Analytics
- PROCRAFT - PROtection and Conservation of Heritage AirCRAFT
- PMO-GATE - Preventing, Managing and Overcoming Natural-Hazards Risks to mitiGATE economic and social impact
- NOWELTIES - Joint PhD Laboratory for New Materials and Inventive Water Treatment Technologies
- CONNECT - Innovative smart components, modules and appliances for a truly connected, efficient and secure smart grid
- SARAS - Smart Autonomous Robotic Assistant Surgeon
- nCOT - Non-Collaborative Object Tracking
- SafeWaterAfrica - Self-Sustaining Cleaning Technology for Safe Water Supply and Management in Rural African Areas
- PATH - PAssive Tracking of people and things for physical beHavior analysis
- DENORMS - Designs for Noise Reducing Materials and Structures
- R2RAM - Radiation Hard Resistive Random-Access Memory
- B-IMPACT - Bronze-IMproved non-hazardous PAtina CoaTings
- Environment and Prevention Sciences
- LeviNeT - The German Network. Primo Levi's Correspondence with German Readers and Intellectuals
- ANDSU - Attesting Neanderthal dwelling space use: effects of human occupations in the Middle Palaeolithic record of Fumane cave
- Integrating Neandertal Legacy: From Past to Present
- SUBSILIENCE - Subsistence and human resilience to sudden climatic events in Europe during MIS3
- EJNITA 3.0 - EJN - Italian Network 3.0: Strengthening Bridges and Going Beyond
- EJNITA 2.0 - EJN - Italian Network 2.0: Building Bridges and New Roadmaps
- EuroFam-Net - The European Family Support Network. A bottom-up, evidence-based and multidisciplinary approach
- FIGHTER - Fight Against International Terrorism. Discovering European Models of Rewarding Measures to Prevent Terrorism
- EJNita - EJN - Italian Network: building bridges
- CONFISCEU - Improving Cooperation between EU Member States in Confiscation Procedures
Life Sciences and Biotechnologies
- SEACURE - Innovative solutions to prevent, reduce and remediate nutrient pollution along the land-river-sea system in the Mediterranean basin
- LIFEEL - Urgent measures in the Eastern Mediterranean for the long-term conservation of endangered European eel
- EASYTRAIN - Eco-Innovative Aquaculture System Training for European Industrial Doctorates
- TurtleHyb - Reconstructing hybridization events between sea turtle species separated by 30 million years: genomic patterns and evolutionary consequences
- ENDOSCAPE - ENDOSCAPE, a clinically applicable non-viral gene delivery technology
- CITYCARE - Impact of air pollutants on cutaneous responses in both healthy and compromised skin barrier, and innovative solutions to protect skin against urban pollution
- SimInhale - Simulation and pharmaceutical technologies for advanced patient-tailored inhaled medicines
- ULTRAPLACAD - ULTRAsensitive PLAsmonic devices for early CAncer Diagnosis
- LIFE AGREE - coAstal laGoon long teRm management
- NeoGenHeritage - Neolithic transition in the Iberian Peninsula: reviewing an old question from new technological and computational genome wide approaches
- Mathematics and Computer Science
Medical Sciences
- Pur-Ther - New immunotherapies targeting the key purinergic checkpoints in the tumor microenvironment
- PRESTO - P2X receptors as a therapeutic opportunity
- Screen4Care - Shortening the path to rare disease diagnosis by using newborn genetic screening and digital technologies
- VirA - Reducing networking gaps between Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) and internationally - leading counterparts in viral infection-induced autoimmunity research
- InflaPML - Promyelocytic leukemia protein (PML) outside the tumor: a new player in the control of inflammation
- BIND - Brain Involvement iN Dystrophinopathies
- ConcePTION - Continuum of Evidence from Pregnancy Exposures, Reproductive Toxicology and Breastfeeding to Improve Outcomes Now
- SOLVE-RD - Solving the unsolved rare diseases
- EUROlinkCAT - Establishing a linked European Cohort of Children with Congenital Anomalies
- Neurosciences and Rehabilitation
Physics and Earth Sciences
- MHz-TOMOSCOPY - MHz rate mulTiple prOjection X-ray MicrOSCOPY
- LIFE MICROFIGHTER - Innovative Zeo-Biopesticides, based on useful microorganisms, for eliminating the use of copper-based pesticides
- TECHNO-CLS - Emerging technologies for crystal-based gamma-ray light sources
- CMB-INFLATE - Advanced Methodologies for Next Generation Large Scale CMB Polarization Analysis
- LIFE REGS II - Recycling of granite scraps II
- AIR BREAK: Co-producing healthy clean commuting air spots in town
- AHEAD2020 - Integrated Activities for the High Energy Astrophysics Domain
- N-LIGHT - Novel Light Sources: Theory and Experiment
- GECCOSPARK - Promoting geological, ecological and cultural heritage through sustainable development and creation of geo-parks
- NET4mPLASTIC - New Technologies for macro and Microplastic Detection and Analysis in the Adriatic Basin
- ECOMAP - Ecosustainable management of marine and tourist ports
- 4DPHOTON - Beyond Light Imaging: High-Rate Single-Photon Detection in Four Dimensions
- SAMCODE - Sustainable Approach to Managing Construction and Demolition Waste
- STIMULATE - Simulation in multiscale physical and biological systems
- srEDM - Search for electric dipole moments using storage rings
- PEARL - Periodically bent crystals for crystalline undulators
- CIAO - Central Iran Amphibole-bearing Ophiolite
- AHEAD - Integrated Activities for the High Energy Astrophysics Domain
- HPC_LEAP - High Performance Computing in Life Sciences, Engineering And Physics
- LIFE AGREE - coAstal laGoon long teRm management
Translational Medicine and for Romagna
- GEYADANCE - AI guidance for robot-assisted eye surgery
- BCRlossToBWinner - Genetic determinants promoting resistance to BCR-loss in B-cell lymphomas
- RNADIAGON - Excellence in research and development of non-coding RNA DIAGnostics in Oncology
- IONCHAN-IMMUNRESPON - Ion Channels and Immune Response toward a global understanding of immune cell physiology and for new therapeutic approaches
- Architecture
Biomedical and Specialty Surgical Sciences
- MedPlag The medieval plagues: ecology, transmission modalities and routes of the infections
- EUNAM- EU and North African Migrants: Health and Health Systems
- MentDis_ICF65+ - Prevalence, 1-year incidence and symptom severity of mental disorders in the elderly: relationship to impairment, functioning (ICF) and service utilisation
- POETICON -The "Poetics" of Everyday Life: Grounding Resources and Mechanisms for Artificial Agents
- Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Economics and Management
- CHETCH - China and Europe taking care of healthcare solutions
- RISK - Risk Management and Risk Reporting
- CAMAA -Center for the Military Architecture
- CECILIA2050 - Choosing Efficient Combinations of Policy Instruments for Low-carbon development and Innovation to Achieve Europe's 2050 climate targets
- KNOW US - Co-generation of competitive knowledge among universities and SMEs
- ADRIA A - Accessibility and development for the re-launch of the Adriatic internal
- ATHENIS_3D - Automotive Tested High Voltage and Embedded Non-Volatile Integrated System on Chip platformemploying 3D Integration
- GOSSAMER - Gigascale Oriented Solid State flAsh Memory for EuRope
- COST Action TU1105 NVH - analysis techniques for design and optimization of hybrid and electric vehicles
- ePolicy - Engineering the POlicy-making LIfe CYcle
- I-SUR - Intelligent Surgical Robotics
- COPERNICUS - Compact Otdm/wdm optical receivers based on photonic crystal Integrated circuits
- NaNoC - Nanoscale Silicon-Aware Network-on-Chip Design Platform
- COST Action TU0901- Integrating and Harmonizing Sound Insulation Aspects in Sustainable Urban Housing Constructions
- ATHENIS - Automotive Tested High-voltage Embedded Non-volatile memory Integrated SoC
- Humanities
- Law
- Life Sciences and Biotechnologies
Medical Sciences
- EPITARGET - Targets and biomarkers for antiepileptogenesis
- COST Action BM1207 - Networking towards clinical application of antisense-mediated exon skipping
- EvA - Markers for emphysema versus airway disease in COPD
- NEUROMICS - Integrated European Project on Omics Research of rare Neuromuscular and Neurodegenerative Diseases
- EPIXCHANGE - Innovative gene therapies for epilepsy treatment
- TRANS2CARE - Transregional Network for Innovation and Technology Transfer to Improve Health Care
- PANGeA - Physical Activity and Nutrition for Quality Ageing
- AirPROM - Airway Disease PRedicting Outcomes through Patient Specific Computational Modelling
- BIO-NMD - Identifying and validating pre-clinical biomarkers for diagnostics and therapeutics of Neuromuscular Disorders
- NMD-Chip - Development of targeted DNA-chips for high throughput diagnosis of neuromuscular disorders
- Morphology, Surgery and Experimental Medicine
Physics and Earth Sciences
- GENESIS - Groundwater and dependent Ecosystems: NEw Scientific basIS on climate change and land-use impacts for the update of the EU Groundwater Directive
- APOLLON - Multi-APprOach for high efficiency integrated and inteLLigent cONcentrating PV modules (Systems)
- MICORE - Morphological Impacts and COastal Risks induced by Extreme storm events
- CEOP-AEGIS - Coordinated Asia-European long-term Observing system of Qinghai – Tibet Plateau hydro-meteorological processes and the Asian-monsoon systEm with Ground satellite Image data and numerical Simulati
- LABSYNC - Laboratory compact light sources
- GOTRAWAMA - Cross-border system for water management in urban area of Gorizia and Nova Gorica
- DYNAMAG - ADvanced computational studies of dynamic phenomena in magnetic nano-materials
- CONHAZ - Costs of Natural Hazards
- INCONET-GCC - Science and Technology International Cooperation Network for Gulf Cooperation Countries aiming at the promotion of bi-regional dialogue
- MAGNONICS - Magnonics: Mastering magnons in magnetic meta-materials
- NewCompStar - Exploring fundamental physics with compact stars
- NORM4BUILDING - NORM for Building materials
- EUTEMPE-RX - EUropean Training and Education for Medical Physics Experts in Radiology
- WARBO - Water re-born - artificial recharge: innovative technologies for the sustainable management of water resources
- ZeoLIFE - Water pollution reduction and water saving using a natural zeolite cycle
- ASTIS - Groundwater and Transition Isonzo / Soča
- SEDI.PORT.SIL - Recovery of dredged SEDIments of the PORT of Ravenna and SILicon extraction
- CUTE - Crystalline Undulator: Theory and Experiment
- POLPBAR - Production of Polarized Antiprotons
- GEP - Joint Geo-Information System (GIS) for Emergency Protection of Drinking Water Resources
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International projects since 2014
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