Research in figures
- 65 international and European projects* (of which 46 Horizon 2020, including 4 ERCs and 15 MSCAs)
- 46 national projects**
- 68 regional projects (European Structural Funds EIS)**
- 207 University projects**
- 15.8 million Euros from international and European projects*
- 12.8 million Euros from regional projects (European Structural Funds EIS)*
Research products
- 81k+publications**
- 74 patents (active as of 31.12.2020)
- 30 spin-offs
- 13 departments/faculties
- 37 research centres
- 4 Technopole laboratories
- 15 PhD doctoral degree courses
- 185 full professors
- 283 associate professors
- 185 researchers
- 97 research centres
- 428 research fellows
- 74 laboratory technicians
* Since 2014
** Ongoing as of 31.12.2020