PMO-GATE - Preventing, Managing and Overcoming Natural-Hazards Risks to mitiGATE economic and social impact

LogoPMOGate.pngEnhancing safety and resilience for disasters due to natural hazards requires risks knowledge and awareness (Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030).
The overall objectives of the present project are: to jointly develop an innovative methodology for preventing, managing and overcoming multi-hazard natural disasters in the involved Italy-Croatia NUTS (from here on IT-HR NUTS), and to increase the level of protection and resilience against natural disasters specific of the IT-HR NUTS, such as river and sea floods, meteo-tsunamis, and earthquakes.
The proposed approach is based on the integration among risk evaluation, prevention, preparedness and response actions against relevant natural hazards using as much as possible data and results available from previous studies, avoiding duplication of past and existing studies. The three pillars of the approach are:
- capitalization of the available heritage of expertise of IT-HR NUTS in natural hazards management;
- definition of probabilistic scenarios with detailed analysis of the territorial vulnerabilities in the respect of the community legislation governing the Strategic Environmental Assessment;
- effective communication strategies that increase awareness and perception in population and public agencies, through a two-way conversation between IT-HR NUTS and affected community members (EPA).

A cross-border approach is necessary to foster a unified methodology to common challenges, in the conviction that the proposed cross-border, multidisciplinary, and integrated partnerships will achieve tangible changes.
Multi-risk methodologies and maps are available, as described in the "Building on the existence knowledge" section.
The proposed approach is original for two reasons:
- data and risk plans will be integrated on a cross-border level with a bottom-up approach respectful of the real IT-HR territorial challenges, namely taking into account peculiar multi-hazards at the urban, extra-urban, and rural level.
- climate induced hazards (floods, meteo-tsunamis) will be combined with non-climate induced seismic vulnerability.

The final outputs will be: a plan of risk management aimed at overcoming the emergency conditions with the least possible social and economic impact, and the development of early warning systems to enhance safety and resilience.

Globally, the present project will allow to prevent, manage and overcome natural hazard risks, safe-guard human lives and socio-economic and the socio-cultural heritage


Notizie (in italiano)


Project details

Project coordinator: Elena Benvenuti

Funding source: CBC Programme Italy-Croatia

Call: INTERREG V A Italy – Croatia CBC Programme - 2017 Standard - Priority Axis: Safety and resilience

Start date 01/01/2019 - end date 30/06/2021
EU contribution: 1.429.112,05 €
EU contribution to UniFe: 400.462,50 €


  • University of Ferrara, Italy (coordinator)
  • University of Split, Croatia
  • Public Institution Rera Sd for Coordination and Development of Split Dalmatia County, Croatia
  • National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics – OGS, Italy
  • National Institute of Geophisics and Volcanology, Italy
  • City of Kaštela, Croatia
  • Municipality of Ferrara, Italy