Summer school - Edizione 2023

Call to participate in the 2023 residential summer school on International Labour and Business Law for doctoral students of the Universities of Ferrara and Padova, open also to EU and foreign PhD or equivalent students, on the topic:
Adaptation of working environment.
Workers’ health and social diversities
Particular attention will be devoted to more vulnerable groups of people and the related topics on social and business law. The focus will be on European and International experiences developed in a Comparative and International (private) Law context.
The Course is promoted by Gian Guido Balandi (University of Ferrara) and Adriana Topo (University of Padova), in the context of the Doctoral Schools Diritto dell’Unione Europea e ordinamenti nazionali (University of Ferrara - Rovigo) and Diritto internazionale e privato e del lavoro (University of Padova) activities. Fondazione CARIPARO covers the organization costs and the residential costs for 20 PhD students. No admission fee requested to participants. Students have to support travelling expenses to and from the venue and extra expenses.
Dates: 11h – 17th June 2023
Language: English
Venue: Abano Terme, Monteortone (Padova – Italy) at “Casa di Ospitalità San Marco” (
Faculty: Paolo Pascucci (University of Urbino); Miguel Rodriguez-Piñero Royo (Universidad De Sevilla - Spain) Tzehainesh Teklè (former Senior Official of the International Labour Organization, ILO).
Coordination: Silvia Borelli (University of Ferrara)
Tutores: Simone D’Ascola – University of Pisa (
Davide Tardivo - University of Padova (
Organizing team:
Stefania Buoso (University of Ferrara)
Davide Tardivo (University of Padova)
Each member of the international faculty gives two lectures (each of 90’) on the course topics in front of the students, the tutores and the faculty. Afternoons will be dedicated to the discussion of morning lectures at the presence of all participants. The active participation of students is required. The topics of professors’ lectures are left to their choice while coordination will be guaranteed by the tutores who will take care, before starting the Summer School activities, of scheduling lectures, seminars and group works.
Admissions: Doctoral students in Law may apply by April 13, 2023, with a letter, explaining their interest in participating in the initiative, attaching a recent CV and a synthesis of their PhD dissertation project (max 1 page). A letter of presentation from an academic is necessary. The knowledge of spoken and written English has to be certified. Please email the application (in only one zipped folder with Name + Summerschool 2023) to The same e-mail for further information.