Visiting Professors and staff mobility

With the aim of developing an effective strategy of international cooperation, the University of Ferrara promotes and encourages international exchanges of teachers and researchers at its own teaching and research facilities.

In this framework, every year the Department of Law hosts high-profile experts from international Universities, institutions or bodies with the aim of enhancing the quality of its educational offerings and research activities, thanks to its wide network of collaborations.

In order to be officially recognised as Visiting Professor by the University of Ferrara, the procedure is available here. However, you can be hosted by the Department (e.g. within the framework of an Erasmus+ staff mobility) without following this procedure. 

For further info regarding organisational aspects of the teaching activities, please contact Prof.ssa Anna Montesano, the contact person for Visiting Professors and international hosts at the Department.

With regard to administrative matters, Mrs. Chiara Panzetta ( provides support and assistance to Visiting Professors regarding the designation procedures and the assignment of a workspace to international hosts at the Department of Law. 

You can download the Department information sheet for Visiting professors here:

Letizia Gianformaggio Chair

The Department has established a specific Chair dedicated to the late Professor of Philosophy of Law, Letizia Gianformaggio. Visiting Professors affiliated to foreign Universities are invited to teach for one semester at the University of Ferrara.

Experts in different areas of law will thus enrich the Department’s selection of courses, giving students an opportunity to acquaint themselves with legal cultures of other countries.

In 2024-25 the Gianformaggio Chair will be assigned to Prof. Andreas Schloenhardt (University of Queensland - Universität Wien), who will teach a course on "Transnational Organized Crime", and to Prof. Alexandra Timmer (Utrecht University), who will teach a course on "Equality and Non-Discrimination Law: Concepts and Challenges".

Former chairs


Every academic year the list of courses in a foreign language is completed by seminars, also taught by Visiting Professors, guests of the Department. Each seminar lasts 20-25 hours and participants are awarded 3 ECTS (or 3+3 ECTS).

In 2024-25 the educational activity will be enriched by seminars on various subjects: "International labour Law", taught by  Prof. TzhaineshTeklé, "The transformation of the European Union's Public Finances Post-Next Generation EU", taught by Prof. Ana Belén Macho Pérez, "International Criminal Law", taught by Prof. Triestino Mariniello, and "Stereotypes behind norms and legal reasoning", taught by Prof. Federico Arena.

List of seminars per a.y.