Report on Education and Business
- https://giuri.unife.it/unife/en/unescochair-edu/events/report-on-education-and-business
- Report on Education and Business
- 2020-10-26T00:00:00+01:00
- 2020-10-26T23:59:59+01:00
- Presentation of the "Report on Education and Business" held by the Italian National Commission for UNESCO in streaming on CNEL website and YouTube channel, under the program "The role of education for social and economic recovery".
Oct 26, 2020
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- Attendees T. Treu P. Bianchi P. Albini M. Amodeo F. Bernabè A. Gavosto C. Grieco P. Vacchina
Presentation of the "Report on Education and Business" held by the Italian National Commission for UNESCO in streaming on CNEL website and YouTube channel, under the program "The role of education for social and economic recovery".