Nazionali PNG.png Nazionali BEETROOT - Building a comprEhensive rEgulaTory framework for plants with healing pRoperties and bOtanicals, used as foOd, to boost public healTh "Casuistry" and rule-based approach in criminal law. Historical perspectives, current developments DignITA - International protection of human dignity through criminal law: strengthening Italy's implementation record Effectiveness and integration of the policies and measures for administrative prevention of illegality and corruption NgPA - Next Generation PA: Digital Transformation For An Innovative Public Administration-NgPA Next Generation PA: la transizione digitale per una PA innovativa New Frontiers for a Participatory Criminal Justice Towards the Thresholds of Metaverse New technologies, biometric data and criminal proceedings Religion and emergency rules The procedural profiles of the protection of families according to the well-being of the minor The right to independent living as a new frontier of justice: older people, urban spaces and the law Exploited labour. An interdisciplinary research on the polities aimed at preventing labour exploitation UNI 4 JUSTICE - Universitas per la Giustizia. Programma per la qualità del sistema giustizia e per l’effettività del giusto processo
Nazionali PNG.png Nazionali BEETROOT - Building a comprEhensive rEgulaTory framework for plants with healing pRoperties and bOtanicals, used as foOd, to boost public healTh "Casuistry" and rule-based approach in criminal law. Historical perspectives, current developments DignITA - International protection of human dignity through criminal law: strengthening Italy's implementation record Effectiveness and integration of the policies and measures for administrative prevention of illegality and corruption NgPA - Next Generation PA: Digital Transformation For An Innovative Public Administration-NgPA Next Generation PA: la transizione digitale per una PA innovativa New Frontiers for a Participatory Criminal Justice Towards the Thresholds of Metaverse New technologies, biometric data and criminal proceedings Religion and emergency rules The procedural profiles of the protection of families according to the well-being of the minor The right to independent living as a new frontier of justice: older people, urban spaces and the law Exploited labour. An interdisciplinary research on the polities aimed at preventing labour exploitation UNI 4 JUSTICE - Universitas per la Giustizia. Programma per la qualità del sistema giustizia e per l’effettività del giusto processo
BEETROOT - Building a comprEhensive rEgulaTory framework for plants with healing pRoperties and bOtanicals, used as foOd, to boost public healTh
DignITA - International protection of human dignity through criminal law: strengthening Italy's implementation record
Effectiveness and integration of the policies and measures for administrative prevention of illegality and corruption
NgPA - Next Generation PA: Digital Transformation For An Innovative Public Administration-NgPA Next Generation PA: la transizione digitale per una PA innovativa
Exploited labour. An interdisciplinary research on the polities aimed at preventing labour exploitation
UNI 4 JUSTICE - Universitas per la Giustizia. Programma per la qualità del sistema giustizia e per l’effettività del giusto processo