3D-4CH - Online competence centre in 3D for Cultural Heritage

3.3D-4CH.pngThe 3D-4CH project will establish an online Competence Centre for 3D heritage, focusing on the preservation, digitisation and knowledge transfer about cultural heritage in the EU and Ukraine. Building upon projects like 4CH, DS4CH and 5DCulture, and incorporating insights from forthcoming XRculture and 3DBigDataSpace projects, the Centre will operate online, leveraging networks from 4CH, E-RIHS and DARIAH. Key objectives of 3D-4CH include:

1. Advance Skills through Capacity Building: Enhance skills with online tools, workshops and certifications, integrating multi-language training material from past and ongoing projects;
2. Provide Comprehensive Services: Create an online platform offering guidelines, standards and best practices for 3D digitisation, fostering innovation in education and tourism;
3. Deploy High-Quality 3D Content: Support the creation and enhancement of 3D heritage objects within the European data space, focusing on metadata inclusion, publishing, sharing and archiving.
4. Advance R&D in 3D Technologies: Foster synergies with initiatives like ECCCH and implement cutting-edge technologies for CHI environments.

Special attention will be given to Ukraine, building on the 4CH "SUM – Save Ukraine Monuments" initiative, with efforts to aggregate 3D Ukrainian content.

The project will benefit from an Advisory Board of scholars and a Stakeholder Panel from European CHIs who will provide needs, requirements and validation. A long-term sustainability plan will ensure that data remains accessible post-project, emphasizing interoperability and sustainability of 3D models.In summary, 3D-4CH aims to transform Europe's digital cultural landscape, championing advanced 3D technologies in cultural heritage preservation and education, ensuring sustainability, accessibility and cooperation.

eu_flag.jpgFunded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Project details

Scientific responsability: Emanuele Piaia

Funding source: DIGITAL


Start date: 01/02/2025 - end date: 31/01/2028

Total cost: 5.168.457,38 €

EU contribution:2.584.228,69 €

EU contribution to UniFe: 132.680,00 €


  • Inception SRL, Italy - Coordinator
  • Stichting Europeana, Netherlands
  • Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy
  • Connecting Archaeology and Architecture in Europe, Ireland
  • Time Machine Organisation (Tmo) - Organisation fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit in Technologie und Wissenschaft und Kulturellem Erbe, Austria
  • IN2 Digital Innovations GMBH, Germany
  • The Discovery Programme Centre for Archaeology and Innovation Ireland, Ireland
  • Arctur Racunalniski Inzeniring Doo, Slovenia
  • RDF OOD AR DI EF, Bulgaria
  • Pixelated Realities Public Organization, Ukraine
  • Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy
  • The Cyprus Institute, Cyprus
  • Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique CNRS, France
  • Instytut Chemii Bioorganicznej Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Poland
  • 3D Research SRL, Italy
  • European Fashion Heritage Association, Italy
  • Talent Anonymos Etairia Pliroforikis, Greece
  • Stichting Nederlands Instituut Voorbeeld En Geluid, Netherlands
  • Michael Culture, Belgium