Unife Orienta Virtual Tour - Master Degrees

Please consider that the majority of the presentations will be held in Italian according to the language of instruction of most of our Master Degree. The presentations will be repeated twice during the event but with a different time schedule.
June 24th |
June 25th |
Master degree course |
Master degree course |
9.00 | Quaternario, Preistoria e Archeologia | Innovation Design* |
Scienze biomolecolari e dell'evoluzione | Scienze delle professioni sanitarie tecniche diagnostiche | |
9.30 | Lingue e Letterature straniere | Ingegneria Civile |
Scienze geologiche, georisorse e territorio | Scienze e tecniche dell'attività motoria preventiva e adattata | |
10.00 | Culture e tradizioni del Medio Evo e del Rinascimento | Ingegneria Meccanica |
Scienze chimiche | Scienze infermieristiche e ostetriche | |
10.30 | Economia e management per la creazione di valore | Ingegneria elettronica per l'ICT |
Matematica | Scienze riabilitative delle professioni sanitarie | |
11.00 | Economics, management and policies for global challenges* | Ingegneria informatica e dell'automazione |
Physics* | Biotecnologie per l'Ambiente e la Salute | |
15.00 | Innovation Design* | Quaternario, Preistoria e Archeologia |
Scienze delle professioni sanitarie tecniche diagnostiche | Scienze biomolecolari e dell'evoluzione | |
15.30 | Ingegneria Civile | Lingue e Letterature straniere |
Scienze e tecniche dell'attività motoria preventiva e adattata | Matematica | |
16.00 | Ingegneria Meccanica | Culture e tradizioni del Medio Evo e del Rinascimento |
Scienze infermieristiche e ostetriche | Scienze chimiche | |
16.30 | Ingegneria elettronica per l'ICT | Economia e management per la creazione di valore |
Scienze riabilitative delle professioni sanitarie | Scienze geologiche, georisorse e territorio | |
17.00 | Ingegneria informatica e dell'automazione | Economics, management and policies for global challenges* |
Biotecnologie per l'Ambiente e la Salute | Physics* |
* For the Master degrees written in bold the presentation will be in English.
In short
June 24th and 25th, 2020: two entire days introducing you to our Master Degrees.
Take part to the online presentations and collect information on the entry requirements, educational goals, teaching structure and career opportunities of each degree course we offer. You will also have the chance to clear all your doubts interacting directly online with Professors and Teaching Managers.
You can easily connect to our online event directly from home, all the presentation will be given through Google Meet.
Keep also in mind that you can take part to more than a presentation, during the second day we guarantee the same programme but with a different time schedule.
On this page you will be able to find further information on Unife and on the City of Ferrara.
And if you missed something during the event, don't worry, all presentations will be recorded and uploaded on Unife Channel.
Sign up for the event
In order to take part to the Virtual Tour you are required to fill in our registration form and select the presentations of your interest.
Download the folder
Don't forget to download the folders of the Master degrees of your interest.
Apply for a Master degree
Ready to start the admission procedure? Plase follow our useful guide that will help you to register to our platform and fill in the admission form.
How to obtain a fee reduction
Find out all you need to know in order to apply for a reduction of the university fees.
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Per favore abilitali oppure gestisci le tue preferenzeApply for a scholarship
Collect information on how to win a scholarship and find out further benefits connected to your studies in Ferrara.
Double degrees and Master courses taught in English
Enrich your international background studying a Master degree entirely taught in English or apply for a double degree in cooperation with an international partner university.
University support
360 degree suport service guaranteed to all Unife students. Get in touch with a Teaching Manager or with our tutoring service. Where needed ask for an individual support for specific disabilities or learning disability.
Housing support
A collection of useful links that should help you find a provisional accommodation or a housing solution for your whole study period in Ferrara.
You will find both public and private solutions listed in our webpage.
City life
Get to know the many discounts reserved to students, take part to the events held in Ferrara, make your University experience unique.
Study and keep fit
Two big sport facilities that will allow you to keep practicing sports during your studies. Take a look to the many activities organized by the University Sport Centre of Ferrara.
Unife Store
Keep always with you a souvenir of an unforgettable experience. Check Unife's clothing and merchandise products.