Courses offered in a foreign language
For more information about each course, please check the Course Catalogue by typing its name in the "Unit" field.
- Architectural heritage: methods and experiences for conservation - English
- Conceptual design of structures in architecture - English
- History and project for an interpretation of pre-existences - English
- Laboratorio di costruzione dell'architettura II - English, Italiano
- Projects and theories for pubblic space - English
- Renewable energy technologies - English
- Design thinking - English
- Environmental engineering and sustainability - English
- Industrial organization and industrial policy - English
- Lingua inglese - English
- Lingua spagnola - Spanish
Courses in the masters' degree program:
- Applied econometrics - English
- Behavioral economics for the environment - English
- Business, markets and competition - English
- Development economics and emerging markets - English
- Digital law and environmental sustainability - English
- Eco-innovation, firm's performance and policy - English
- Economic and business statistics for prediction and classification - English
- Economics of innovation and entrepreneurship - English
- Energy and resource economics - English
- Environmental economics and policy - English
- Financial management - English
- Governance and accounting of smes - English
- Industrial policy for smes - English
- International marketing and sustainability - English
- International trade and competitiveness - English
- International trade law - English
- Machine learning for quantitative economics - English
- Methodology for research - English
- Organizational behavior and human resource management - English
- Policies for sustainability and the integral development - English
- Project appraisal and cost benefit analysis for the environment - English
- Research methods - English
- Strategic control and performance management - English
Courses in the bachelor's degree program:
- Object-oriented programming for experimental data analysis - English
- Physics of electronic devices - English
Courses in the masters' degree program:
- Advanced cosmology - English
- Advanced data analysis in high energy physics - English
- Artificial intelligence - English
- Astroparticle cosmology - English
- Astrophysical processes - English
- Bayesian inference - English
- Beyond the surface: exploring the physics of 2d and 3d printing technologies - English
- Carbonate sedimentology - English
- Classical electrodynamics and beyond - English
- Coastal risks - English
- Computational methods for medical physics - English
- Electron microscopy for materials science - English
- Elements of quantum field theory - English
- Energy and society - English
- Enviromental radioactivity - English
- Experimental particle physics - English
- From space physics to space economy - English
- Fundamentals of particle physics - English
- General relativity and gravitational waves - English
- High energy physics laboratory - English
- Introduction to particle accelerators and detectors - English
- Ionizing radiation physics - English
- Laboratory for solid state technologies - English
- Laboratory of medical imaging - English
- Magnetic materials: from fundamentals to advanced application - English
- Mathematical methods of physics - English
- Measures and observations of celestial x and gamma rays - English
- Modern physics laboratory - English
- Multimessenger astrophysics - English
- Nuclear and subnuclear geophysics - English
- Nuclear physics - English
- Observational cosmology - English
- Physics and astrophysics of black holes - English
- Physics and technology of solar energy - English
- Physics of medical imaging - English
- Quantum computing - English
- Quantum mechanics - English
- River dynamics - English
- Sensors: physics and technology - English
- Solid state physics - English
- Standard model and beyond - English
- Statistical physics - English
- Statistics and modelling - English
- Subsurfaces georesourses - English
- Surface physics and nanostructures - English
- Time domain astrophysics - English
- Check this webpage - English
- Introduction au droit francais - French
Lingua spagnola giuridica - Spanish
Course in the bachelor's degree program:
- Lingua inglese - English
Courses in the masters' degree program:
- Advanced intelligent adaptive control systems - English
- Dynamics of coastal systems - English
- International marketing and sustainability - English
- Organizational behavior and human resource management - English
- Turbomachinery design for automotive application - English
- Vehicle nvh testing - English
Course in the master's degree program:
Hypercomplex analysis and geometry - English
- Lingua inglese livello B2 - English
Course in the bachelor's degree program:
- Advanced orthoptics - English
Course in the master's degree program:
- Lingua inglese livello B2 - English
Courses in the master's degree program:
- Introduzione al trattamento statistico del dato per le scienze fisiche e della vita - English
- Lingua inglese livello b2 - English
Course in the master's degree program:
- Smart biomaterials and innovative applications
- Introduction to asian philosophy and thought - English
- Lingua francese - French
- Lingua francese II - French
- Lingua francese III - French
- Lingua francese per il turismo - French
- Letteratura francese II - French
- Letteratura francese III - French
- Lingua inglese - English
- Lingua inglese II - English
- Lingua inglese III - English
- Lingua inglese per il turismo - English
- Letteratura inglese - English
- Letteratura inglese II - English
- Letteratura inglese III - English
- Letterature angloamericane - English
- Letterature angloamericane II - English
- Letteratura latina e studi di pragmatica - English
- Lingua spagnola - Spanish
- Lingua spagnola II - Spanish
- Lingua spagnola III - Spanish
- Lingua spagnola per il turismo - Spanish
- Letteratura spagnola - Spanish
- Letteratura spagnola II - Spanish
- Letteratura spagnola III - Spanish
- Letteratura tedesca II - German
- Letteratura tedesca III - German
- Lingua tedesca - German
- Lingua tedesca II - German
- Lingua tedesca III - German
- Lingua tedesca per il turismo - German
For more information about each course, please check the Course Catalogue by typing its name in the "Unit" field.